It is critical to do a significant amount of research in exploring your college options. Only by doing so can you discover the schools that best fit your academic interests and professional goals as well as your personal preferences.
Did you know that:
there are over 2,300 4-year colleges and universities in the US from which to choose?
almost 40% of students do not return to the same school for their 2nd year?
only 37% of college students graduate within 4 years and just over half graduate in 6 years?
the cost of a college education has sky-rocketed -- well over double the annual rate of inflation over the last 12 years! Assuming a student graduates in 4 years, the average total cost (tuition + room & board) at a private college is over $260K?
Since a college education is such a tremendous investment of time, energy and money, doesn't it make sense to ensure that you attend the school that is right for you? RightFit is unique in that we provide services that are:
easy to use,
reasonably priced and
necessary to maximize your chances for college admission & longer-term success.